Mireia Figueras Alsius

Climate Programme Manager

Mireia Figueras Alsius - Climate Officer

Since I joined HCWH Europe, I have been involved in different programme areas and supported the organisation's membership and events planning. I now lead the development of the Climate-smart Healthcare programme. A big part of my role is to work directly with healthcare providers to support their transition to low-carbon healthcare.

I enjoy working directly with our members and bringing people together to work towards decarbonisation. I constantly learn and get energy and inspiration from our members and our team.

Prior to joining HCWH Europe, I did an internship at the Sustainability Department of Unescocat (UNESCO Center of Catalonia) and I spent three years working in the environmental education field where I coordinated pedagogic environmental programmes and a team of educators. After this, I moved to Bulgaria, where I did a European Voluntary Service with an NGO dedicated to promoting a culture of peace, social justice, and environmental protection. I was involved in a project that facilitated social inclusion of asylum-seekers and I supported the coordinators in implementing the volunteer management cycle, recruitment, training, coordination, and evaluating the project.

I hold a degree in Environmental Sciences and an MSc in International Relations, Security and Development from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, writing my thesis on the EU’s role in international climate negotiations.


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