Pharmaceuticals and priority chemicals in the Highlands and Islands environment workshop

On Wednesday 21st June 2017 HCWH Europe and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) held a joint workshop in Inverness, Scotland, on ‘Pharmaceuticals and priority chemicals in the Highlands and Islands Environment’.

The workshop brought together experts from Scotland and around Europe in order to discuss, debate, strategise, and work together to come up with innovative potential solutions to protect the Highlands and Islands environment and people from pharmaceutical pollution.

Here you can find the workshop agenda, report, and presentations.








1.2 A low carbon Highlands and Islands and Scotland: A Hydro Nation | Diane Duncan, Head of Low Carbon & Clean Technologies, Highlands and Islands Enterprise 

 1.3 Safer Pharma: Protecting people and the environment | Anja Leetz, Executive Director, HCWH Europe


Setting the ‘local’ context

 2.1 Highland Quality Healthcare – Delivering a fairer, healthier Scotland | Elaine Mead, Chief Executive, NHS Highland

 2.2 Pharmaceutical Waste in Highland – Why are we interested? / Paddling upstream to prevent pharmaceutical harm | Dr. Ian Rudd, Director of Pharmacy, NHS Highland / Dr. Sharon Pfleger, Consultant in Pharmaceutical Public Health, NHS Highland and National Clinical Lead Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee Collaborative

2.3 Medicating the aquatic environment - Implications and interconnections (rural/urban) | Prof. Dr. Stuart Gibb, Director, Environmental Research Institute, University of the Highlands and Islands


Case studies from across Europe

 3.1 Pharmaceuticals in the environment - The global perspective | Dr. Tim aus der Beek, Department Manager, Water Resource Management, IWW Water Centre 

 3.2 The Wise List and environmental considerations – 15 years of experience from Stockholm County Council, Sweden | MSc Pharm Siv Martini, Health Care Administration, Department Support for Evidence-Based Medicine, Stockholm County Council / Pharmacist, PhD, Helena Ramström, Health Care Administration, Unit of Medicine Support, Stockholm County Council

3.3 Risks of medicines in agricultural systems | Prof. Dr. Alistair Boxall, Environment Department, University of York

 3.4 A carbon story: The Sustainable Healthcare Coalition | Sonia Roschnik, former Deputy Director, Sustainable Development Unit, England 

 3.5 Influencing stakeholder’s behaviour regarding pharmaceuticals in the environment | Dr.-Ing. Issa Nafo, Head of Department, Development and Support of Funding Projects, Corporate Communication Unit, Emscher Genossenschaft (German water cooperative)

3.6 Caithness General, NHS Highland - Using the AWS Standard to drive innovation | Adrian Sym, CEO, The Alliance for Water Stewardship 


Solutions for Highlands & Islands Enterprise

 4.1 Wastewater treatment plants – Optimisation strategies | Elise Cartmel, Chief Scientist, Scottish Water 

 4.2 Ecological public health – One Planet Strategy | Cath Preston, Head of Innovation, Scottish Environment Protection Agency / John Redshaw, Principal Specialist Scientist, Scottish Environment Protection Agency 

 4.3  Pharmaceuticals, water, and chemicals workstream – tools and approaches / Global Green and Healthy Hospitals | Dr. Adela Maghear, Pharmaceuticals Policy Officer, HCWH Europe / Aidan Long, Press & Communications Manager, HCWH Europe 

4.4 Circular Economy – an opportunity to design out waste and pollution | Louise McGregor, Head of Circular Economy, Zero Waste Scotland