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  • Doctors for Greener Healthcare

    Doctors for Greener Healthcare is a network that brings together doctors from across Europe to collaborate, share best practice, and advocate for a healthy future by reducing the environmental impact of healthcare.
    Doctors for Greener Healthcare
  • Circular Healthcare

    The healthcare sector must move away from unnecessary single-use products and toxic chemicals and become a torchbearer for sustainable supply chains. That means pushing for reusable, non-toxic solutions that save natural resources, reduce waste, and are better for patients, budgets, and the planet.
    medical team perform surgical operation
  • Operation Zero

    Operation Zero is a groundbreaking project that will put the European healthcare sector on the path to net zero carbon emissions.
    Operation Zero - windmill on island
  • European Healthcare Climate Summit

    Every year, HCWH Europe gathers sustainable healthcare leaders from across Europe (and beyond) for its annual European Healthcare Climate Summit.
  • About HCWH Europe

    We are the European arm of a global organisation with three regional offices - HCWH US & Canada (United States), HCWH Europe (Belgium), and HCWH Asia (The Philippines) - as well as two teams covering the Latin America region and global projects.HCWH Europe’s area of operations covers the 53 countries of the World Health Organization’s Euro region and was established in 2003 to focus on lobbying at an EU level and implementing sustainable practices in European healthcare. TransparencyAs a commitment to our transparency, HCWH Europe's Articles of Association can be viewed online as well as our sustainability policy. The organisation is an international non-profit association (AISBL) registered in Belgium and is also listed on the EU Transparency Register.Building networks for sustainable healthcareTo maximise the scale and impact of our work, HCWH Europe is also a member of many different environmental and health networks, partners...
  • HealthForFood

    The goal of the HealthForFood project is to reduce the use of antimicrobials in food production in the EU.
  • Campaign to #SafeguardColistin for human use in Europe

    150 European health professionals are calling on the European Commission to reserve the essential, last-resort medicine, colistin, for human use to preserve public health and combat the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threat.
  • The Health Care Climate Challenge

    Contact us Healthcare can help forge a future with healthy hospitals and healthy people by implementing transformative climate solutions that reduce harmful pollution and strengthen resilience. The Health Care Climate Challenge is building a global coalition of healthcare institutions at the forefront of this transformation. The Climate Challenge has over 300 institutional participants, representing the interests of more than 22,000 hospitals and health centres in 37 countries.An initiative of Health Care Without Harm, the Health Care Climate Challenge engages and equips healthcare institutions – from small clinics to large health systems to ministries of health – to commit to effective climate action while building collective impact across countries...