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  • Climate change resilience framework for health systems and hospitals (LIFE RESYSTAL)

    Contact: Mireia Figueras AlsiusThe LIFE RESYSTAL project will address gaps in the European health systems’ climate resilience. This project will support improved climate vulnerability assessment of health systems as well as an improved understanding of the interdependencies between different infrastructures, e.g. transport, energy networks, telecommunications, and clinical services, to ensure a more secure and resilient health service provision. The project will also support investment decisions that consider and encourage climate change adaptation.BackgroundClimate change strikes at the very core of the healthcare sector’s mission to keep people healthy. Individual hospitals and entire healthcare systems are affected operationally, financially, and structurally by the rising frequency of extreme weather events. Even distant climate events can affect the health of local communities, e.g. smoke from wildfires can create significant and concentrated air pollution causing wide-reaching health impacts.Our health is intrinsically linked to...
  • Our partners

    Our ability to work effectively with a wide and diverse network of stakeholders is fundamental to achieving our mission and programmatic objectives.
  • Greening the Brussels healthcare sector

    HCWH Europe coordinated the project Greening the Brussels healthcare sector – a collaboration with six hospitals in Brussels. The first phase of the project. was divided into two pillars: Build knowledge and capacity amongst healthcare workers on topics such as climate change, circular economy, and sustainable food. Work with six pilot hospitals to support them in developing sustainability action plans.
    COCOM meeting
  • Coolfood Pledge in healthcare

    Contact: Gabriella AbruzzoHCWH Europe is partnering with the World Resources Institute (WRI) to bring their Coolfood Pledge to healthcare facilities across Europe. This collaboration aims to reduce the climate impact of the food served. Coolfood PledgeThe Coolfood Pledge helps dining facilities – from hotels and restaurants to universities, schools, hospitals, and workplace cafeterias – cut their food-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by shifting towards more plant-rich diets.A quarter of all GHG emissions come from food production. By simply changing what we eat, we can make a difference to our climate.The Coolfood Pledge helps members:Pledge their support for a science-based reduction target for diet-related GHG emissionsCalculate the emissions from supplied foodDevelop the best plan to bring about changePromote their successThe collective ambition of all Coolfood Pledge signatories is to reduce GHG emissions...
  • Coalitions and networks

    Our ability to work effectively with a wide and diverse network of stakeholders is fundamental to achieving our mission and programmatic objectives.HCWH Europe’s network development model is built on the principles of shared added value - the relationships we build with our stakeholders leverage our combined strengths to achieve an impact that could not be accomplished independently.As well as operating our own networks, HCWH Europe is a member of several international coalitions and networks working together on shared goals with shared values.HCWH Europe is a member of:Environmental Coalition on Standards
  • Sam Bishop - Head of Community Engagement

    Sam Bishop - Head of Community Engagement
  • Romain Libaud - Circular Healthcare Communications Officer

    Romain Libaud, Communications Officer - Circular Healthcare

    The aim of the CAREFOOD project is to empower healthcare professionals and focus their advocacy efforts to end farming practices that develop and spread antimicrobial resistance (AMR).