Filter Projects Search Focus Area - Qualquer -AdaptionWaterAir PollutionFoodBuildingsClimate ChangeCampaignsTrainingChemicalsCommunicationsProcurementEnergyLeadershipMitigationNetworksPharmaceuticalsPlasticsPressWasteResilienceSustainability Region - Qualquer -Latin AmericaUS & CanadaEuropeGlobalSoutheast Asia Showing 26 results Skip to filters C.A.R.E. Community of Action for the Reduction of Emissions — a learning initiative to accelerate the… Mitigation Networks Europe Imagem The Reusable Textiles Revolution This project seeks to transform the health care sector's dependency on plastic and toxic materials… Plastics Chemicals Waste Europe Imagem European Healthcare Climate Summit 2024 The 6th edition of our annual conference on climate-smart healthcare took place on 10 October 2024. Climate Change Adaptation Europe Imagem Carbon management mentoring programme previous editions The Carbon management mentoring programme prepares and supports healthcare providers in calculating… Climate Change Mitigation Europe Imagem PharmaSmart Helping pharmacists build their green skills in greening pharmaceutical practice Pharmaceuticals Waste Europe Imagem CleanMed Europe events CleanMed Europe brings together healthcare champions of sustainability to share solutions to… Leadership Sustainability Europe Imagem PVC-free healthcare A pilot initiative to introduce safer and more sustainable healthcare practices and speeding up the… Plastics Chemicals Europe Imagem Operation Zero Operation Zero is a groundbreaking project that will put the European healthcare sector on the path… Mitigation Sustainability Europe Imagem Carbon management mentoring programme HCWH Europe's mentoring programme continues to support hospitals in Spain to integrate climate… Climate Change Resilience Mitigation Europe Imagem AMR EDUCare project The AMR EDUCare project develops educational materials for health professionals to reduce the spread… Pharmaceuticals Training Europe Imagem Born Green Generation - Delivering toxic-free healthcare A movement to decrease plastic usage and gradually phase out toxic chemicals in maternity, neonatal… Chemicals Plastics Sustainability Waste Europe Imagem Procure4Health The Procure4Health project is a growing community of European Health organisations interested in… Procurement Networks Europe Imagem Skip to filters Página atual 1 Page 2 Page 3 Próxima página Próximo Última página Último