Survey launched - AMR education in European medical schools

Take part in our survey 
(15 June deadline - medical students only) 

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global health that is accelerating, in part, due to misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in the healthcare sector. Medical education is key to influencing prescribing behaviour and optimising antimicrobial use; several studies have identified lack of confidence and knowledge gaps on antimicrobial prescribing among medical students – there is therefore a crucial need to develop medical curricula that comprehensively address the core principles of antimicrobial stewardship. 

HCWH Europe is launching an initiative to enhance AMR education in medical schools across Europe; seeking to increase awareness on AMR among future medical doctors, reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions, and reduce antibiotics in the environment and exposure to AMR by:

  • Identifying gaps in AMR education in Europe through a survey targeting 4th-year to 6th-year medical students
  • Identifying best practice implemented in medical schools through a series of interviews with university professor

HCWH Europe will later publish a report bringing together these results and provide recommendations for medical schools that will be disseminated to its members and wider network.

Please find the project’s concept note here: 

How can you participate?

Share best practice

If you are aware of best practice to address AMR in medical curricula in the WHO European Region, please contact Jean-Yves Stenuick ( by 15 June

We are looking for innovative initiatives, such as:

  • Educational activities
  • Research projects
  • Specific teaching programmes
  • Awareness-raising activities
  • Innovative teaching formats

Take part in our survey (medical students only) 

If you are a 4th-year to 6th-year medical student currently studying in the WHO European Region, please fill out our anonymous survey to identify gaps in AMR education.

To stay up to date on our pharmaceuticals work and be notified of the survey's release, please sign up to HCWH Europe’s Safer Pharma bulletin