New report | Addressing pharmaceutical pollution in Europe - the role of pharmacists championing the green transition

In this report, we highlight the urgent issue of pharmaceutical pollution and emphasise pharmacists' key role towards a more sustainable future.

Published in August 2024, the report gives an overview of the growing concern of pharmaceutical pollution across Europe, examining how active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are increasingly found in our natural ecosystems, from rivers to soils. 

Report visual | Pharmacist championing the green transition

As first-line healthcare professionals, pharmacists are uniquely positioned to influence both the consumption and disposal of medicines. This report showcases successful initiatives across Europe where pharmacists are leading efforts in promoting responsible medicine use, reducing pharmaceutical waste, and actively contributing to environmental protection.

Case studies presented include:

  • Belgium: The Pharmacist Medication Plan Programme focuses on minimising medication waste through improved patient-pharmacist communication.
  • United Kingdom: The Online Medicines Marketplace initiative seeks to reduce pharmaceutical inventory waste by connecting pharmacies for medication redistribution.
  • Germany and The Netherlands: Innovative pharmacist-led programs emphasise sustainable pharmaceutical procurement and community engagement in reducing pharmaceutical pollution.

Pharmacists stand at the forefront of the efforts to minimise pharmaceutical pollution , having the expertise and influence to champion sustainable practices and protect our environment.

Read the full report

To further support this goal, we’ve launched the Pharmacists for Greener Healthcare Network, a platform that brings together pharmacists from across Europe to share and advocate for sustainable pharmacy practices.

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