Safer Pharma video now available in Russian

Health Care Without Harm Europe’s Safer Pharma video, explaining the problem of pharmaceuticals in the environment, is now available in Russian (see below).

This animated video from HCWH Europe was produced as part of the Safer Pharma campaign - which aims to protect the environment from pharmaceutical pollution at all stage of their life cycle, find out more at

More than 600 pharmaceuticals and their metabolites have been found in the environment worldwide; this impact on the environment has implications for human health including antimicrobial resistance.

Безопасное обращение с отходами лекарств 

Лекарственные средства в окружающей среде являются глобальной проблемой - более 600 активных лекарственных веществ и их метаболитов обнаружены в окружающей среде во всем мире.