Report | Procuring for greener pharma


In this report we present recommendations and supporting case studies for pharmaceutical procurers in European healthcare on how to include sustainability criteria in medical purchasing.

Medicines are essential tools for treating and alleviating symptoms or preventing disease, helping to cure previously incurable diseases and save lives. Every medicinal product, however, has the potential to harm environmental and human health, and this should be carefully considered before its purchase and use.

The challenges of sustainable pharmaceutical procurement

In 2022, HCWH Europe interviewed stakeholders involved in the sustainable management of pharmaceuticals, including national procurement agencies, representatives of pharmaceutical companies and representatives of pharmaceutical conglomerates.

Our new report, Procuring for greener pharma, builds on these interviews and an analysis of selected case studies, examining the opportunities and challenges associated with the sustainable public procurement of pharmaceuticals.

Case studies presented in this report include: 

  • Environmental Requirements For Pharmaceuticals (Norway)
  • Sustainability Criteria For Medicinal Products (Sweden)
  • Carbon Footprinting Health Products (France)
  • Sustainable Procurement Index For Health 
  • Responsible Antibiotics Manufacturing Platform

Read the report