Announcing Born Green Generation

Born Green Generation is a transformational movement with the ambition to spark a different approach to healthcare delivery  by protecting the first 1000 days of life. Our partners will run a pilot in their hospital wards to inspire all healthcare providers in Europe and beyond. We want those who haven’t been born yet and generations to come to exist in a better, healthier world.

Babies are central to the movement and protecting the vulnerable is at the heart of what we do. And like a parent nurturing a child, what we create can change things for the better – with great potential and enormous impact.

Making toxic-free healthcare a global norm

Building on the success of our previous project, Towards plastic-free healthcare (2019-2021 and 2021-2022), HCWH Europe has engaged in a three-year collaboration with four healthcare providers and two universities.

Together, we model and test the world’s safest maternity and paediatric wards as a pilot for toxic and plastic-free healthcare. We train future and current healthcare professionals on the impacts of plastic and harmful chemicals and the ways to avoid them and inspire broader societal change in support of environmental health through a large-scale awareness-raising campaign.

We are developing a model that will be continually tested, reviewed and improved, to become an inspirational example for others to follow and build upon. 

Protecting current and future generations

Born Green Generation aims to protect babies from the harmful effects of plastics and chemicals – while reducing unnecessary plastic waste. Its goal is to demonstrate that toxic-free healthcare is possible and can be the global norm for generations to come.

Our aim is to create a cultural shift across healthcare and wider society, where the idea of reducing babies’ toxic chemicals and harmful plastic exposure becomes basic common sense.  Born Green Generation also aspires to herald the introduction of new transformational policies nationally and locally that bring about a new era of safer, more sustainable care.

While the movement’s primary goal is to drive transformative change so that the next generation of babies is Born Green – free of toxic chemicals and plastics -- it will at the same time reduce harmful waste and pollution, making the world healthier for everyone.

Join the Born Green Generation movement

As the project unfolds, we welcome any new partner who wishes to join us. 

Whether you are a healthcare organisation, a healthcare professional, a parent or a future parent, or if you hold influence in healthcare legislation or product and systems design, you have a role to play.

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