Reducing AMR through health education

The AMR EDUCare project will develop educational materials and training for health professionals to reduce the spread of and exposure to AMR.

The project will expand doctors' antibiotic prescription knowledge and improve their communication skills to manage patient expectations on antimicrobial prescription. The training will also upskill health management professionals on processes and techniques to reduce and better manage antimicrobial waste.

Funded by the EU4Health Programme, the project will focus on Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Lithuania, and Greece. A dedicated training module will be developed for community pharmacists and nurses, who have a strong influence on patients’ antibiotic consumption patterns. The module will provide scientific and medical information related to preventive measures, antibiotic treatments, appropriate use of antibiotics, and communication tools on how to communicate effectively with patients and their relatives. 

These training materials will be available to health professionals as online courses and will also be used in health professionals’ continued professional development education across Europe.

Please visit the project website for more information: