
We are Health Care Without Harm Europe. We exist to create a sustainable healthcare sector. One that does no harm to patients or our planet.

Transform healthcare with us.

Featured news

Decarbonising national healthcare sectors: HCWH Europe partners with Belgium to develop national strategy

We've partnered with Belgium in the development of their new report on the greenhouse gas emissions of the country’s health sector.

Three circles with a Belgian flag, a hospital, and windmills

Registration is open for CleanMed Europe 2025 | 10-13 June

Health professionals, sustainability experts, and business innovators will explore the latest advances in delivering high-quality, sustainable care.

CleanMed Europe 2025 banner - Dates: 10 to 13 June 2025

Kick-Start Your Decarbonisation Journey with our new Pocket Guide for Healthcare Professionals

Announcing a new publication for healthcare professionals, helping them get their organisation on the path to decarbonisation.


Manifesto for a Sustainable Healthcare System and Healthier EU Citizens

In a new manifesto, HCWH Europe sets out key policy changes newly-elected Members of the European Parliament could support to accelerate the shift toward sustainable healthcare systems.



Community of Action for the Reduction of Emissions — a learning initiative to accelerate the sustainable transition of the healthcare sector.

C.A.R.E. and GGHH logos smaller

The Reusable Textiles Revolution

This project seeks to transform the health care sector's dependency on plastic and toxic materials by promoting reusable alternatives.


European Healthcare Climate Summit 2024

The 6th edition of our annual conference on climate-smart healthcare took place on 10 October 2024.


Carbon management mentoring programme previous editions

The Carbon management mentoring programme prepares and supports healthcare providers in calculating and managing the carbon emissions of their…

Four healthcare professionals discussing in a hospital


Helping pharmacists build their green skills in greening pharmaceutical practice

pharma-smart project cover

CleanMed Europe events

CleanMed Europe brings together healthcare champions of sustainability to share solutions to accelerate the transition to sustainable healthcare.

CleanMed Europe


Report | Tackling AMR in the Environment: How the EU Can Lead the Way

New report on the urgent need to address environmental pollution as a driver of antimicrobial resistance and actions required to mitigate its impact.

website amr in the environment

Leading by Example: Climate-smart Healthcare Solutions in Europe

This catalogue of case studies showcases climate-smart healthcare best practices from the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) members in Europe.

Cover page of the catalogue Leading by example: Climate-smart healthcare solutions in Europe

Workshop report | Greening the pharmaceutical supply chain: A collaborative path to sustainability

This report gives insights from the workshop on pharmaceutical pollution, focusing on green manufacturing, stronger EU policies, and collaboration.

report workshop supply chain