Webinar recording | Improving the sustainability of healthcare vending machines


Recording and featured presentations available below


Healthcare facilities operate large-scale food services providing meals, snacks, and beverages to patients, staff, and visitors. Though historically hospital food has had a poor reputation and been heavily criticised, many hospitals are now taking a more proactive approach to improve both the quality and sustainability of their food service whilst meeting dietary guidelines.

One area of food service in healthcare that might be overlooked, however, is vending machines. Most vending machines - including those in hospitals – often stock packaged foods and beverages that are high in calories, sugar, saturated fat, and/or sodium. Usually positioned in high visibility areas, sometimes these machines provide the only available food onsite – especially outside of food service hours.

Vending machines also have environmental impacts, not only from the food they offer (waste), but also packaging waste and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the energy they consume.

HCWH Europe has released a new publication giving an overview of EU legislation that covers vending machines as well as opportunities to leverage procurement criteria. This publication contains case studies from the UK, Ireland, and Spain, as well as some concluding recommendations to promote healthier, more nutritious and sustainable choices in vending machines found in healthcare.


This webinar aims to:

  • Present the publication on Procuring vending machines in healthcare, and provide guidelines for healthcare organisations to procure healthier and more sustainable vending services.
  • Showcase a hospital food strategy in United Kingdom that highlights the importance of supplier engagement in identifying and introducing new options and the potential for competitive tender processes to support longer-term impact.
  • Stimulate a discussion with the European Vending & Coffee Service Association (EVA) and the audience about the benefits, opportunities, and challenges of setting sustainability criteria in healthcare tenders for vending machines.

Speakers and presentations

Paola HERNANDEZ OLIVAN, Food Policy and Projects Officer - Health Care Without Harm Europe

Procuring vending machines in healthcare

As well as coordinating the MECAHF project, Paola also oversees the organisation's policy on the procurement of food and catering services. With a European MSc in Public Health, she has developed an interest in sustainability and behaviour change issues.


Ian STENTON, Head of Sustainability - Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust

Public Procurement in the NHS

Ian is co-chair of the Liverpool Knowledge Quarter Sustainability Network and sits on groups for the Northern Health & Sustainability Network, the Health Foundation, and the Sustainable Development Unit. Ian writes the Trust’s Food & Drink Strategy and reports on targets for healthy food and drink. He is part of the NHS Improvement Hospital Food Standards review and also sits on the UK Government’s Food Procurement Implementation Taskforce.

David IRVINE, Communication & Public Affairs Manager - European Vending & Coffee Service Association (EVA)

Improving the sustainability of healthcare vending machines

David is enthusiastic and passionate about the interests of the vending industry, as a consequence of his background in working for a coffee vending machine operator in the United Kingdom. In his role as Communication & Public Affairs Manager, he maintains EVA’s strong relationships with regulatory bodies and stakeholders. David also manages various EVA Committees and Working Groups and is in charge of the communication & marketing aspects of the Association including the website, social media management, and press relations.