Winners announced at the 2024 European Sustainable Healthcare Awards

Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe proudly announced the winners of the 2024 European Sustainable Healthcare Awards at a live ceremony in Brussels during the CleanMed Europe 2024 online conference. The awards, sponsored by Philips, celebrate two healthcare institutions and one healthcare professional for their exceptional achievements in sustainable healthcare.

The awards, in their second year, celebrate groundbreaking projects and individuals that address the urgent need for sustainability in the European healthcare sector, helping to reduce its significant environmental impact.

People standing holding the 2024 European Sustainable Healthcare Awards

The winners and Philips representative Olesya Struk in Brussels - 7 June 2024

The winners in the three newly introduced categories are:

KABEG LKH Villach – Awarded the Bolmstedt Innovation Award for their innovative project Climate awareness: The hospital as a promotor towards patients and staff, which showcases creative and novel solutions for sustainable healthcare

We believe healthcare facilities have an ethical responsibility to incorporate sustainability into their function, at all levels. That’s why we network as much as possible across Europe to learn from others and share our best practices. We are honoured to be recognised with the Bolmstedt Innovation Award for our work on climate awareness and our green ward, and we hope this work will inspire others to be tenacious and creative with sustainability.”
- Alexander Thomasser, Head of the Administration & Service Department at KABEG LKH Villach

Fundació Sanitària Mollet – Received the Healthy Futures Award for their impactful project Mollet University Hospital: A net zero centre in direct emissions, marking significant progress towards a net zero future.

We are very proud to be recognised with the Healthy Futures Award for our efforts to become a net zero centre in direct emissions. We think that sometimes those of us working to advance sustainability in healthcare can feel alone, and it is encouraging and inspiring to be acknowledged and see we are part of a growing movement.” 
- Natalia Allué, Medical Assistance Director at Mollet University Hospital

Lynn Elsey, Consultant Respiratory Pharmacist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust – Received the Rising Star Award for her outstanding work as a sustainability champion within the European healthcare sector.

From 28 entries, the winners were selected based on criteria including impact, collaboration, and innovation, reflecting the breadth and depth of sustainable healthcare initiatives across the WHO Europe region.

“These awards recognise and celebrate the very best in sustainable healthcare practice in Europe. The standard of this year’s entries has been exceptional, showcasing the most innovative and impactful work happening across our networks to create a climate-smart and toxic-free healthcare sector in Europe, and a healthier planet for all.”
-Will Clark, Executive Director of Health Care Without Harm Europe

European Sustainable Healthcare Awards finalists 

The ceremony also recognised finalists who demonstrated exemplary efforts in sustainable healthcare:

Bolmstedt Innovation Award finalists:

  • Galician Health Service (SERGAS)
  • Área Sanitaria de A Coruña e Cee
  • Care without Carbon - Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust & NHS Sussex

Healthy Futures Award finalists:

  • King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Ghent University Hospital
  • Wolica Healthcare Center for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis

Sustainable healthcare judging panel

The esteemed judging panel, selected for their extensive experience and expertise in sustainable healthcare, included:

Bolmstedt Innovation Award:

  • Anders Bolmstedt, Chemist, Occupational Health Service - Region Västra Götaland and HCWH Europe Board member [SE]
  • Robert Metzke, Global Head of Sustainability - Philips [NL]
  • Sonia Roschnik, Executive Director - Geneva Sustainability Centre (International Hospital Federation) [CH]

Healthy Futures Award:

  • Simona Agger, Professor/Architect and HCWH Europe Board member [IT] 
  • Kenneth Barker, Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Lead for the National Green Theatres Programme - NHS Scotland [UK]
  • Javier Monterde Serrano, Climate Action Technician - ECODES [ES]

Rising Star Award:

  • Dr. Fiona Adshead, Chair - Sustainable Healthcare Coalition [UK]
  • Gary Cohen, President and Co-Founder - Health Care Without Harm [US] 
  • Dr. Oliver Groene PhD, CEO - International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services [DE]

Reflecting on the 2023 European Sustainable Healthcare Awards 

Launched in 2023, the inaugural European Sustainable Healthcare Awards saw NHS Scotland win the Sustainable Healthcare Project of the Year 2023 for their project Green Anaesthesia Scotland. This initiative aimed to reduce the environmental impact of medical gasses across healthcare services in Scotland. Other notable finalists included Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Radboud University Medical Center, and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

Health Care Without Harm Europe extends our gratitude to our sponsor, Philips, and all applicants for their contributions to sustainable healthcare. Those working in sustainable healthcare can sign up for our newsletters to stay informed on next year’s European Sustainable Healthcare Awards.

At Philips, we believe that Care means the world. This means creating the best possible solutions to help you care for patients and the planet with the same attention and urgency. Thanks to the vision of Healthcare Without Harm Europe and the Award applicants and winners who bring their incredible intent and work to make a difference, we will collectively continue to make the vision a reality.”
- Olesya Struk, Senior Director of Sustainability at Philips


About Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe: 

Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe exists to create a sustainable healthcare sector in Europe, demonstrating alongside our network of thousands of hospitals and healthcare leaders how we can transform healthcare to protect both people and our planet.

About Philips: 

Philips is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment, and home care.