Dear HCWH Europe members, partners, colleagues, and stakeholders,
Today I would like to thank you all for ten years of collaboration - contributing to the continued growth and success of HCWH Europe over the last decade. Today marks my last day at the organisation as I look to seek new challenges, continuing to educate citizens and communities about the links between environment and health.
It has been a real pleasure to work with members, the board, and staff from around Europe and beyond. When I started at HCWH Europe in 2009 we decided to extend the scope of our work - adding climate and energy, and later pharmaceuticals in the environment and food in healthcare into the portfolio. Having moved the office to Brussels to be closer to the EU institutions, I am proud that HCWH Europe is now considered a trusted partner. Established within the heart of EU policy making, HCWH Europe has joined important EU agencies such as ECHA, EMA, and EU working groups and is also a recognised stakeholder with WHO Euro and other UN agencies.
Anja Leetz speaking at the 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Together we have achieved the phase out of mercury-based sphygmomanometers, as well as revisions of the public procurement directive and the medical device directive. We've also launched the SaferPharma campaign to raise awareness of the impact of pharmaceuticals in the environment.
In the last ten years we have managed 24 multi-year projects, covering many issues such as climate, EDCs, mercury, nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, AMR, procurement, food, energy, and buildings. HCWH Europe membership has increased by a third, and we’ve held three very successful CleanMed Europe conferences (and the 2018 edition is right around the corner!). Having hosted several workshops and meetings across the EU and supported our members; highlighting their successful projects - I am pleased to leave the organisation in good financial shape to continue our important mission.
Looking ahead, we are facing plenty of challenges: despite our work, CO2 emissions continue to rise globally and we still have not yet managed to move from economic development towards sustainable development. If current trends continue, the world will not meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals or the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement. HCWH Europe with its members, therefore, must continue to transform healthcare - so that it reduces its environmental footprint and becomes a community anchor for sustainability and a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice. We need to continue increasing awareness and end business as usual approaches by sharing best practice, as well as challenging and learning from each other.
I wish our members, board, and staff courage and vision to move ahead and show leadership in all their actions, following the principle of first do no harm!

Best wishes,
Anja Leetz,
Outgoing Executive Director of HCWH Europe