HCWH Europe welcomes new Board members

We are delighted to announce the election of a new Board of Directors at HCWH Europe. The Board supports the organisation by providing mission-based leadership and strategic governance, and plays an integral role in supporting the leadership team to advance the organisation’s mission, vision, and programmatic goals.

At a specially-convened virtual meeting of the Members’ Council on April 1, the following Board members were approved following their nomination:

  • Christian Dreißigacker, CEO - BG Klinikum Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin and BG Klinikum Bergmannstrost Halle, Germany
  • James Dixon, Head of Sustainability - The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
  • Kathleen McGreevy, Coordinator - Office of International Relations and the Promotion of Innovation, Meyer Children’s Hospital, Italy, and Coordinator of the Green Innovation Working Group of the European Children’s Hospitals Organisation (ECHO)
  • Leida Rijnhout, Owner - Leapfrog2SD, Belgium
  • Simona Ganassi Agger - Member of the National Council of SIAIS (Italian Society of Architecture and Engineering for Healthcare), Italy, and President of the Active in Health (AiH) non-profit association

Three current board members were re-elected to serve another term:

  • Anders Bolmstedt, Region developer/Chemist - Region Västra Götaland, Sweden (current Chair)
  • Wouter van Wijhe, Healthcare Consultant Process Optimisation - Becton Dickinson (BD), The Netherlands (current Secretary)
  • Rachel Billod-Mulalic, International relations - C2DS, France

The organisation wishes to pay special thanks to Luc Hens - Emeritus Professor, expert in environmental health policy, and current Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Environment, Development and Sustainability - who was relieved by the Members’ Council after one term serving on the Board. We would like to express our gratitude to Luc for his support of HCWH Europe, generously giving his time to share his insights, expertise, and experience.

This is an exciting time for HCWH Europe as we enter a new funding cycle, with an innovative new work programme and a host of exciting grassroots projects across our expanding member base. We are finalising our new five year strategic plan and we look forward to working with the Board to deliver our new strategy.


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