Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 - HCWH Europe

1 June 2022 | 10:00 CET | Online

The 2022 HCWH Europe Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 1 June 2022 and will be accessible to members online. A full agenda along with details of how to join the AGM will be circulated to members and nominees nearer to the date. This meeting will be held in English.

Representation at the AGM

This invitation to attend the AGM is open to all members of HCWH Europe (otherwise referred to as GGHH members). Any member that is unable to attend the AGM may be represented at the meeting by another person holding a proxy.

  • If you wish to nominate a proxy to represent you at the AGM please notify the Chairperson Anders Bolmstedt <> in advance of the meeting via email.

Provisional agenda

  • Welcome & general introductory remarks
  • Presentation by the Board of Directors
    • Report on financial results and presentation of annual accounts of 2021
    • Presentation of the 2022 budget and work plan
  • Presentation of nominations for Board of Directors
  • Voting on resolutions
    • Adoption of 2021 annual accounts and discharge of HCWH Europe Board of Directors
    • Adoption of 2022 annual operating budget
    • Appointment of Board of Directors of HCWH Europe AISBL
  • Close of meeting

Nomination of prospective Board members

We invite members to nominate candidates for the HCWH Europe Board of Directors. A representative of any member organisation or partner organisation may be nominated for election to the Board, which will take place at the AGM.

All nominations for the Board must be received by the Executive Director no later than 17:00 CET on Friday 15 April 2022. Email nominations should be sent to the Executive Director Will Clark <>.

To be eligible for consideration, Board candidate nominations should include the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Nationality
  • Organisation
  • Brief motivation statement outlining background, skills and experience and what the candidate hopes they will bring to the Board to support the delivery of the organisation’s mission and strategy.

This is an extraordinary opportunity for individuals that are passionate about the organisation’s mission and who have the leadership experience to support the goals, strategy, and operations of the organisation.