Event | Food production and AMR: Improving animal welfare to save human lives

25 April 2023 – 16:00-18:00 CEST

Hosted by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP), HCWH Europe is holding a hybrid event at the European Parliament to discuss the impact of increasing animal welfare standards to reduce the need for antibiotics in food production and how this supports human health.

Join us online or in person - register today

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious health threat - it places a huge burden on the healthcare sector, undermining antibiotics and other antimicrobial treatments. Losing one of the most critical tools in modern medicine presents a significant challenge for healthcare professionals. One of the drivers of AMR is the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in food production and animal farming and the healthcare sector can play a role in addressing this.

The European Union regulates the use of antimicrobials and other pharmaceuticals through legislation that is periodically updated and revised. The upcoming revision of the animal welfare legislation is an important opportunity to reduce the need for antibiotics in food production. 

  • MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP) - MEP Interest Group on AMR
  • Andrea Gavinelli, Head of the Animal Welfare Unit - DG SANTE
  • Daniela Battaglia, Animal Production Officer - FAO
  • Viviana Muñoz, Biodiversity Programme Coordinator - South Centre
  • Coilin Nunan, Scientific Advisor - Alliance to Save our Antibiotics
  • Erik Ruiz, Safer Pharma Project Officer - Health Care Without Harm Europe

We invite policymakers, health professionals and public health experts to join us online or in person at the European Parliament, where we will be hosted by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen, member of the MEP interest group on AMR. 

Register now 

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