Contact: Ali Fakih

The Procure4Health project is a growing community of European Health organisations interested in procurement of innovation. The project's 33 founding members actively promote innovation procurement through knowledge sharing and capacity building, networking and matchmaking, identification of common unmet needs, and the launch of joint actions to address them as well as influencing policy on procurement of innovation. The community is open to new members.
Health Care Without Harm Europe supports the project by building a web platform for this new community of public or private procurers and organisations interested in innovation procurement. HCWH Europe engages the community through discussions, working groups, training, and networking events.
The Procure4Health Community provides members with valuable resources and tools to optimise the procurement of innovation, as well as a supportive network and forum to share common challenges and successes. Members of the community have free access to a range of services, including:
- Networking opportunities: Connect with healthcare innovation procurement professionals in Europe and expand your professional network.
- Industry news and insights: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the procurement industry and stay ahead of the curve.
- Knowledge sharing: Learn from the experiences of others in the community and share your insights to help others.
- Problem-solving: Collaborate with peers to find solutions to complex procurement challenges and improve processes.
- Professional development: Participate in training and development opportunities, attend webinars, and access a capacity-building catalogue to sharpen your skills.
- Collaboration and teamwork: Work with other procurement professionals to achieve and deliver better results for your organisation.
- Policy impact: Explore funding schemes to co-finance innovation procurement and influence procurement-related policy at the European level.
European healthcare organisations interested in the procurement of innovation can now access the online platform to join the community and become part of the project.
Join the Procure4Health community
HCWH Europe gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the European Union. HCWH Europe and its partners are solely responsible for the content of this project and related materials. The views expressed do not reflect the official views of the EU.

Funded by the European Union
GA n.101057209